Tuesday, July 29, 2008

YIKES! Shakin' in Pedro

5.8 earthquake for 20 seconds just scared the bejeezus out of me. It's nervewracking on this steep hillside! I bolted for the doorframe. So did everybody else on the street...now my BP is calming down. No worse for the wear but a bit shaky.
Later: Now they've downgraded it to a 5.4. It still made things rattle and roll around here.


Krista Heiser said...

Yikes. Glad you're okay.

Macy Swain said...

Ted says it's been about 12 years since he felt one that strong. I miss Michigan!

Gillian Swart said...

Hold on to your hat! We had one here, once. It was just a tremor, but it was plenty scary. Thanks for letting us know you're OK.